Then it was time! My Own Private _____ Started after a local hiphop artist (whom i cannot remember right now) performed a set. With more footage than last year Derek and Nick really pulled it off this year and put it down with an awesome film with an amazing edit job. You can really see that these guys locked themselfs down for awhile to put this flick out and wouldn't settle for anything less than an awesome video. Featuring the riding of; AJ Ogden, Parker Duke, Corey Mac, Ben Woodard, Brad Jameson, and many many more local shreds from idaho. The music was awesome and the riding was better. I know i'm not alone when i say this, but this video kicked ass. Parker with the bogus basin road gap AJ with his amazing style and jibs. One word: AWESOME!
how about some pictures?
DEF-I-NATIONs Derek Weimer and Shop Buyer/Rider Ben Woodard, enough with the peace signs... seriously i'm not even kidding.
Corey Mac hiding his beautiful smile from the world. But happy to be there nonetheless.
Team Riders Parker and AJ, random lurk Emily and Shop Manager Brandon Myers getting ready for..... i'm not sure what they're getting ready for but there sure is a mix of things going on here; pointing, westsiding and lurking. CrowdGirls!!!!!!!!
Brandon and Greg of Prestige just looking oh so good.
Shop Employee's Timon and Brandon looking way to excited. Also, congratulations go out to Timon on being engaged!!! Well he's been engaged for awhile now but now you know too!
Isn't that cute? Paul and Shelle sittin in a tree K I S S I N G
All in all it was an amazing night and from the looks of it everyone had a blast! Thanks again to DEF-I-NATION for some awesome videos and all the other sponsors of the event for helping create a rad gathering of communitites and i'm already getting excited for next years because these things just keep getting better every year. If you didn't make it your loss but you can make up for it by attending next years or just buying the DVD when it comes out. Now pray for snow!