Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sun, Snow, and BBQ's

Last day for the mountains and it was sun burns for everyone. First real spring shred weekend for this season and it is the closing weekend, oh well there is still a lot of snow and i forsee a lot of hiking and private sessions going on. The Carson Memorial Jam is going to be amazing this summer! Get your hike on, son!

Vegetate 2008.

Way to go Parker! 1st in the rail jam and 2nd in the halfpipe. Making Idaho look good...
check out some of the photage at these links.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Think Boise First.

As the price of gas is going up and everyone is living off of those nickels and dimes laying around in the sofa cushions the best thing to do is play it smart with your money. Think Boise First is an awarness effort to educate the community on investing locally by supporting the indepently owned businesses of this valley. By supporting your local businesses you help build a stonger local economy which in turn benefits everyone in that community. Help us spread the word.